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Join us in our private FB community the Fast Insider and enjoy the chance to discuss and debate the latest findings on research, listen to what the pros say, and share among like-minded friends what actually works in real life.  

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Psychology’s Five Revelations For Finding Your True Calling

Look. You can’t plan out your life. What you have to do is first discover your passion – what you really care about. – BARACK OBAMA

If, like many, you are searching for your calling in life – perhaps you are still unsure which profession aligns with what you most care about – here are five recent research findings worth taking into consideration.

First, there’s a difference between having a harmonious passion and an obsessive passion. If you can find a career path or occupational goal that fires you up, you are more likely to succeed and find happiness through your work – that much we know from the deep research literature… Continue Reading

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How Dancing Helps Me think, and Thinking Helps Me Dance.

How Dancing Helps Me think, and Thinking Helps Me Dance.

We learn by practice, the American dancer and choreographer Martha Graham once said. Our practices – both physical and intellectual – can be so much more than routine work and the accretions of habits. Dancers, learn, maintain, and teach what’s possible with physical expression. By choosing to perform the ‘dedicated precise sets of acts’ that we do, we can access ‘achievement, a sense of one’s being, a satisfaction of spirit.’ We embody our autonomy and our humanity.

Fasting for Fast Weight Loss

Fasting for Fast Weight Loss

There’s finally enough research to prove that fasting is the most effective method for weight loss. Read on to learn more about the science of fasting weight loss, and to find out a fasting weight loss method that works for you!

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