When measuring how quickly people are aging, highlight the importance of biological aging in midlife while prevention is possible and before heavy organ damage has accumulated.
This is the true treasure of our site, we are committed to share our deep respect for science, for the researchers, for the ability to ask a question and investigate to find answers. We will gather and make sense of studies that help us progress our understanding of fasting, health, food, technology, psychology and more. We don’t have to guess, and we don’t have to rely of fads to make a change in the way we live our lives. Science is an ally and worth a weekly date night of fascination and wonder.
When measuring how quickly people are aging, highlight the importance of biological aging in midlife while prevention is possible and before heavy organ damage has accumulated.
Our circadian rhythm can be disrupted by any number of factors, including going to bed later than usual, or eating late at night.
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Scientists have discovered how a cell identifies the first amino acid that determines the lifetime of a protein.
The gut microbiome can influence metabolism
Our new research shows that a common genetic variant in the skeletal muscle gene, ACTN3, makes people more resilient to cold temperatures.
What and how much we eat isn’t the only important thing when it comes to healthy nutrition. The timing of eating matters for body weight and health and periodic fasting can help.
Researchers test whether fasting or “starving” a cancer tumor will slow its growth
If you’re wondering why you may be overeating, understanding the reasons behind it may help you gain some control.
One scientific review examines the impact of intermittent fasting on Covid-19 outcomes.
Social distancing and washing hands help support against COVID-19; another powerfully protective resource immediately available to all: your circadian rhythm.
Reduced frequency of eating through intermittent fasting or time-restricted eating also highlights the broadly beneficial effects that eating less has on human health.
Circadian rhythm can be disrupted by going to bed later than usual or eating late at night. Long-term circadian rhythm disruption can cause poor health.
Whether it’s a summer barbecue with friends, your favorite fast food takeaway,...
Traditionally the year-end holidays are a time when friends and family with diverse points of view gather. Even during this tumultuous year, with stress running high for so many reasons, there are ways to discuss politics without the shouting and angst