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Benefits of Fasting on Gut Health

by | Jun 16, 2020 | +SCIENCE

Previous studies have shown that short-term, intermittent fasting can help reduce inflammation, slow down the aging process, reduce age-related chronic diseases, and increase the lifespan (1,2). Studies have also confirmed that short-term fasting may have beneficial effects on the gut microbiome, and according to a study published in the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, these beneficial gut bacteria can also protect the body for the duration of the fasting. The study published the week of May 16, 2016, states that fasting may result in the activation of a molecular pathway by which the brain communicates with the gastrointestinal (GI) tract to enhance the immune system. It was also observed that caloric restriction may strengthen the integrity of the GI tract as well (1).

Is Fasting the New Magic Pill?

New research emerging about the benefits of gut bacteria are increasingly revealing that microorganisms residing within the gut are performing indispensable functions. Research also suggests that most diseases originate within the digestive system, including chronic conditions that impact the brain, heart, body weight, and immune system, among others. Studies have also indicated that while gut bacteria may have a huge role to play in the aging process, it is important to understand that extreme fasting or caloric restriction may in fact produce undesirable results (2).

While short-term fasting or intermittent fasting does seem to have endless health benefits, such protocols must be created to address impending health disorders. Simply following extreme caloric deprivation and starving will not help one achieve the many benefits of fasting on gut health. It is crucial that any type of fasting is performed such that the body is not deprived of essential nutrients. For example, when one is truly hungry, depriving the body of food will lead to enhanced stress, which in turn will result in the formation of stress hormones, thus nullifying the beneficial effects of fasting on the gut.

Is Weight Loss the Only Benefit of Fasting?

Undeniably, one of the primary benefits of fasting is the increase in the population of good bacteria in the gut, which in turn can speed up the weight loss process. However, fasting has other medicinal benefits on the gut that can help treat and prevent many chronic disorders.

For example, fasting can improve the gut microbiome which can in turn help treat mood disorders such as anxiety, depression, and fatigue. Additionally, both insulin sensitivity and blood glucose balance can be easily achieved when fasting is done under the supervision of a health professional or when using a fasting-mimicking diet on your own. Similarly, gut bacteria are key to preventing allergies, especially skin-related disorders. Fasting can help treat the root cause of such allergies and help minimize their impact and thus potentially improve outcomes (1,2).

Successful and permanent treatment of chronic diseases can only be achieved when one’s dietary routine is fit for such endeavors. Without a healthy gut, it becomes much more complicated to manage chronic diseases rooted in gut health. Supervised fasting protocols can help one achieve a beneficial gut environment, thereby potentially improving the management of chronic disorders in the long-term.