Research Roundup #1: This Week’s Fasting News from Around the Web.

Welcome to the Fast Insider News Roundup
Every week, we’re bringing you a round-up of the latest fasting, health, and wellness news to hit the wire. There are many ways that fasting converges with lifestyle to improve change day to day life as we know it. This week, we look at how vitamin C supports muscle growth later in life, whether or not breakfast is necessary, and the role of fasting as support in chemotherapy.
Fasting Does A Body Good
And can take on a whole host of other challenges that a body may experience throughout a lifetime. For example, according to a new study by the University of Adelaide researchers, Fasting, before chemotherapy, drastically increases the number and diversity of bacteria found in the gut and can improve treatment outcomes.
Watch What you Eat
ICYMI: There is a new level of what it means to watch what you eat. For those who are interested in improving your diet and tracking what you eat, A new pair of wearable glasses are being evaluated to help dieters track food habits with an improved accuracy from Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science.FitByte is a new wearable that uses sensors on eyeglasses to help people track their food habits.
Nighttime Eating—Not So Good
Lately, we continue to hear more and more about how the timing of when we eat and its impact on metabolism, our health, and other physiological processes that impact our health. People love to eat at night when they are relaxed and safe at home, and we have conditioned to experience our hunger patterns most strongly later in the day. Recently, results from a study of nearly 1,200 adults from the U.K., conducted by Judith Baird, Nutrition Innovation Centre for Food and Health (NICHE), Ulster University, Northern Ireland, UK, and colleagues suggested a strong association between nighttime eating (energy intake E.I.) and a higher total energy intake (E.I.) over the course of the day combined with a lower quality of diet. Eating at night is also likely to lead to overeating, but poor eating habits as well.
Want more Muscle? Increase Vitamin C?
Can you handle eating a few tomatoes and oranges? By now, you’ve probably been conditioned that to increase muscle mass; you need to eat massive amounts of protein and to lift massive amounts of weight. Maybe so, but more protein consumption may not be the only solution. A new paper published in The Journal of Nutrition investigates the relationship between dietary vitamin C and loss of skeletal muscle mass with a focus on adults that are middle age and above. While it is commonly understood that vitamin C, which is found in potatoes, fruit, and vegetables, can positively impact bone health, the new research suggests that the more dietary vitamin C consumed, the greater the skeletal muscle mass and less they experience sarcopenia.
To Breakfast Or Not. That Is The Question.
Does anyone even eat breakfast anymore? That is the question, and despite the ingrained messages in our heads since our school days that eating breakfast is the most important meal of the day and will make us smarter, boost our metabolism, and should be the biggest meal of the day. Yet, as intermittent fasting grows in popularity, many health coaches, doctors, and individuals and others are questioning this long-held advice. Most research around breakfast has been observational studies and not causal, meaning they cannot claim that eating breakfast can make you smarter, healthier, or lead to better health. Part of the consideration is what is breakfast and also when should one consume the first meal of the day.
Cancer Patients discover A New Ally with The Fasting Mimicking Diet
The diagnosis of cancer is devastating. Given the rise of cancer and chronic diseases, many researchers are devoted to investigating preventative measures and protocols that can improve outcomes and the quality of life during treatment. This includes study on the combination of a specific fasting diet and chemotherapy. Recent research led by scientists in collaboration with Dr. Valter Longo and published in Nature Communications, has shown, for the first time, that The Fasting mimicking Diet (FMD) is safe and effective in combination with chemotherapy in women with early-onset breast cancer and can protect against certain side effects and positively impact the therapeutic efficacy of treatment.
Editor’s Note is committed to investigating and reporting on the many ways fasting, health, nutrition, and wellness can help all of us rise to meet the challenges we face in life and, in doing so, liberates us to live our lives, longer and better. Together, especially when we are healthy and happy, we can address the world’s greatest problems.
Check-in weekly for our research round-up and look forward to even more in-depth fasting science coverage, analysis, and takeaways in the near future.
P.S. We would love your comments on any of the ideas above as well as any stories you would like to read in the future