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Here’s What Happens To Your Brain When You Give Up Sugar For Lent
With repeated access to sugar over time the brain becomes tolerant to sugar – and more is needed to attain the same “sugar high.
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Life Extension: The Five Most Promising Methods – So Far
The elixir of youth’: Science explains how humans can live longer
Read MoreTry This One-Day Water Fast for the Fall Equinox Full Moon
Full-moon fasting is seen as a way to purify the mind and body. Just as the full moon creates tides on oceans and lakes, it’s also thought to have a drawing effect on the toxins and emotions that interfere with our health. Full moons, then, are the perfect fasting amplifiers.
Read MoreIndividual Dietary Choices Can Add – or Take Away – Minutes, Hours and Years of Life
Are drastic dietary changes required to improve our individual health and reduce environmental impacts? And does the entire population need to become vegan to make a meaningful difference for human health and that of the planet?
Read MoreFive Surprising Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet
Many of the important benefits of a plant-based diet – particularly for climate health and animals – are well known. Here are five additional benefits of a plant-based diet that may surprise you.
Read MoreDo You Really Need To Drink 8 Glasses Of Water A Day?
A “one size fits all” fluid replacement strategy, such as drinking eight glasses of eight ounces of water per day, is inappropriate for everyone.
Read MoreGrowing Food And Protecting Nature Don’t Have To Conflict
To feed a global population, world food output must increase substantially and agriculture’s environmental impacts must shrink to protect the environment.
Read MoreWhen Men Started To Obsess Over Six-Packs
The cultural obsession with six-pack abdominals shows no signs of abating. Research into male body image indicates it will only grow, thanks to social media.
Read MoreHere’s What Happens To Your Brain When You Give Up Sugar For Lent
With repeated access to sugar over time the brain becomes tolerant to sugar – and more is needed to attain the same “sugar high.
Read MoreHow Do Virtual Meetings Affect Women’s Body Image?
For some women, looking at themselves during virtual meetings has not been accompanied by any changes in how satisfied they are with their appearance.
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